Becoming a Most Improved Golfer is a milestone achievement for any golfer. Aside from having an established handicap and being an active member of your group you must steadily lower your handicap. A task not so easy for most of us, it takes commitment and practice to the improvement of your golf game and is a wonderful accomplishment.
Each year WNHGA recognizes a golfer from each member club, each regional area, and the overall membership as the Most Improved Golfer (MIG). A certificate is provided for each captain to complete and award to the winning golfer at each club. At the Spring Area Meetings, WNHGA also gives a framed certificate to the members with the highest improvement ratio in each of the four regional areas. The golfer with the highest overall improvement ratio in the entire membership receives a plaque. The four winners’ photos and names will be posted on
The period of performance for the Most Improved Golfer starts on January 1 and ends on December 1 of the current year. Each club’s Most Improved Golfer should be verified by each handicapper and captain using the following guidelines:
The recipient must have a 20-game index as of January 1st of the current year.
The recipient must have played at least 20 games during the period from January 1 through December 1 of the current year.
The recipient must be an active, participating member of a nine-hole organization. The criteria for this requirement are decided by each member club.
The WNHGA MIG form will be mailed and/or emailed to each captain and handicapper in November of the current year.
Information on how to calculate The Most Improved Golfer can be found in Section 5 of the WNHGA Manual.