Amy Sechrist,
Corena Green Junior Girls

I am looking forward to working with the WNHGA Board this year as Co/Chair for Corena Green. I have been regularly playing golf for the past year with the Almaden Valley Golf and Country Club 9 Hole Ladies group and have enjoyed every minute of it. I retired from teaching elementary school science in 2021. Before that I was golfing occasionally with my husband but never on a regular basis.

I jumped right in and played Team Play this past year, which allowed me to visit other clubs and meet more ladies who enjoy golfing as much as I do. I also had the opportunity to play with other 9 Hole ladies in exchanges and open play which were organized by WHNGA. The welcoming environment was amazing and has made golfing one of my favorite past times. I enjoyed it so much I am working with AGCC’s 9 Hole ladies Team Play Captain to learn the ropes and eventually take over the Captains position there.

My husband and I have two sons that are away at college, so we are empty nesters for the first time in 22 years. We plan to do some travel and keep ourselves busy by golfing in other states. I have two Australian Shepherds that keep me out walking when I’m not golfing, and I enjoy a good book when relaxing at home.